We have several projects ready for their next phase of work after the initial site visit.
Our Projects have THREE primary phases: Site Visit, Phase One (Functionality), and Phase Two (Sustainability). The Site Visit allows our team to make connection with the local community, test the water sources and do ground inspections, as well as set the relational groundwork with the local GWC Projects staff and community leaders. In Phase One we build the physical site, including the plumbing and mechanics to make the water project functional, generating safe water for sale. We train our project managers and staff about clean water practices and business operating procedures. Once the site is operational and staff trained, we move into the Third Phase of Sustainability. This is a vital phase for the longevity of the project, as we want each site to be stand-alone, fully operational and run by the local people. As in all business ventures, the first four years are extremely crucial. Each of the projects below are ready to be fully funded so we can proceed with providing clean water to the communities waiting.
This location is up and running as of May 4, 2023!! We will have pictures soon. We are grateful for the work of our India Director, Shravan Kumar for all of the work in the Kadali and Nandigama project!
We are excited about establishing a project in Katmandu where it can help thousands of children and their families. Mr. Gajendra Tamang is our Asia Director and is based out of Katmandu Nepal.
Our East Africa Director, Mr. Ishmael Macharia, will be working closely with us as we look at finalizing the location for the initial project in Kenya after our site visit.
This site will be located just east of Guatemala in the mountain country of Honduras between the cities of San Pedro Sula and San Salvador. Mr. Gustavo Elicequi is our Central American Director based out of San Pedro Sula and will lead this effort!
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